Can the support of the Office for Persons with Disabilities (BON) apply to your health situation? What do you need to consider when approaching the BON?
Does your health condition fit one or more of those described below?
I am a person with a documented disability, I have a disability certificate.
Yes. The BON will support you in many ways taking into account the nature of your health problems. We have the experience working with people with physical disabilities, visual disabilities, people with hearing impairment or loss, etc.
I am a person whose problems are mental and are documented by a doctor.
Yes, you can count on BON’s support in the study process. People affected by depressive-anxiety disorder, bipolar affective disorder (BPAD), social phobia and other types of difficulties benefit from the services and recommendations of the BON.
I am a person with mental health problems, but I have no treatment history or medical records.
Yes, we understand that your health condition may have become worse recently. Individuals who, for various reasons, have not yet sought medical advice and were simply “getting by” at previous educational stages, also apply for BON support. With the cooperation of the Psychological and Counselling Services Centre (CPP UW), our office can support you and level your playing field during your studies.
I am a neurodiverse person, with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ADHD.
Yes, we have experience with the broad spectrum of autism. We understand the difficulties and limitations affecting people with an ADHD diagnosis. You will benefit from the BON’s support in the form of, for example, Individual Study Organization, equipment to facilitate note taking, technology counseling, student tutoring.
I am experiencing the effects of a long-term illness, frequent hospitalizations, etc.
Yes. At the BON, we help level the playing field in studying for people affected by, for example, chronic digestive diseases, oncological diseases, or in recovery from a serious accident, etc.
Temporary health condition affects the course of my studies.
Yes. You can count on BON’s support during temporary health problems that hinder your studies. We are approached by students, for example, experiencing the effects of COVID-19 or with limb fractures and so on.
None of the above statements apply to me. However, I believe that my health condition negatively affects or hinders my studies.
In this case, contact the BON. Outline your situation. It may be that the special nature of your health problems allows the office to support you. It is also possible that we will refer you to another unit at the University of Warsaw, the nature of which will suit your needs.
Important notice of additional conditions and factors you must consider.
Expect the necessity to share with us detailed information about your health condition.
Our support is only possible if we already have medical documentation confirming your health condition. In the case of mental health problems, the Psychological and Counselling Services Centre (CPP UW) can help you obtain such documentation.
We respect your right to protect sensitive information. However, your medical records and a written summary are essential to us for some processes (besides adjustments to the study process) e.g., for the purpose of applying for a scholarship or a grant.
We require real cooperation and commitment on your part.
Respecting student autonomy, we will act only in response to your formal request for changes in the form of study or other support solutions.
Prepare to change how you learn and solve problems. Even though you are experiencing difficulties due to your condition, your desire to study should motivate you to make efforts and changes.
The efficient delivery of support may require you to report changes in your health status and resulting needs.
Implementing adjustments may require patience (e.g., sometimes it may take time to make arrangements between units of the University);
It is possible that you will experience frustration with the limitations of possible support or, in some circumstances, the denial of support.
BON support doesn’t mean “easier studies”.
The Office’s adjustments and assistance are intended only to level the playing field in the study process.
You are still bound by the same level of merit requirements.
An integral aspect of protecting a student’s rights is respecting his or her right to a standard level of merit requirements and to an adequate assessment of skills. We are bound by the principle that the proposed support must not lead to a reduction in the level of academic requirements.
To pass a specific course/direction, it is necessary to achieve certain elements of knowledge and skills.
These are specified by the course instructor in the syllabus or by the authorities of the unit in the so-called graduate silhouette of the course. This is required regardless of individual techniques and time to reach this goal. These requirements are not to be altered by health circumstances explaining specific limitations or inability in certain activities.