Digital accessibility at University

Every University of Warsaw unit is required to make its websites and mobile applications digitally accessible. UW units can use the support of the UW Office for Persons with Disabilities.

What you need to do

  • Submit a website or mobile application through the application form available on the BON website
  • Designate a person in your unit responsible for accepting digital accessibility requests and indicate this person in the form.
  • The BON will perform a digital accessibility audit within 30 days and provide the designated person with a list of detected digital accessibility problems.
  • Implement the solutions to the issues identified by the BON or immediately contact the BON for a consultation on actions to correct digital accessibility concerns.
  • Without delay, publish the Declaration of Accessibility provided by the BON, in the way specified by the BON.
  • Report to the BON any significant changes to their sites and the need to re-verify their digital accessibility. In particular, consult the BON on planned upgrades and new websites and applications being developed.

Together, let’s create a university friendly to everyone!