If your health situation requires adaptations, schedule an appointment for a consultation to discuss your individual needs and select appropriate solutions.
The Head of the Teaching Unit within the framework of the individual organization of studies makes the decision on granting individual arrangements for the adaptation of credits and examinations to the needs of a particular student. The changes may include, for example:
- extending the duration of a credit/examination by 25 or 50% adequate to the nature of health difficulties;
- changing the form of the credit/examination to an individually selected one in a situation where the state of health prevents the student from presenting knowledge under standard conditions;
- making the examination sheet in an alternative form;
- using an adaptive equipment during the credit/examination;
- providing support of a Polish sign language interpreter.
Examples of adaptations
- exam sheet prepared in enlarged print;
- extension of the exam time due to the slower working speed with the text for students with low vision or learning disabilities;
- computer or braille notebook used by visually impaired students – devices approved by the BON’s Technology Department.
Requesting adaptations for credits and exams
You must have the approval of the Head of the Teaching Unit for an Individual Study Arrangement for the current academic year.
You can arrange the changes directly with the Instructor if there is no need to prepare equipment, adapt materials or;
You can fill out an application for exam/exam adaptation on the BON website at least 7 days before the date of the credit/exam.
If you submit the application, the BON Consultant will prepare the necessary technological aids/sheet adaptations and contact the class instructor/examiner.
Remember. Request adaptations as soon as you have the details of each credit and exam. This will make the processing of requests smooth and trouble-free.
Base document: order No. 170 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw dated August 13, 2020.